Dreamtime Creations Coupons & Promo Codes

Dreamtime Creations has been supplying crystals and embellishment products to artists, designers and manufacturers around the world for more than 25 years.  We are the number one resource for customers looking for quality products across multiple industries. Dreamtime Custom Transfer Service - CarCindy Wilson, the owner and chief strategist behind the company, started the company when a realization came to her in a dream (Quite literally, hence the origin of the company`s name).  She had entered her daughter into some local beauty pageants and had done quite well, so was going into larger and larger pageants.  However the expectations of the bigger pageants on the style of apparel that was required was more than the young Midwest mother could afford.  Looking for a way to make it possible she designed a dress that she had a local seamstress make, and then sourced the crystals that she needed herself.